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Noa Yammer Authentic Leadership Consulting


Supporting values-driven leaders and teams to connect with their purpose, tell their stories, and move people to action.

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Each of us has a story. With the right set of tools, we can share those stories, and, in turn, move people to action. This is what I do—I help values-driven leaders, teams, and organizations tell their stories, live their purpose, and create the change they want to see in the world.
Decades of experience in social change movements have led me to develop a holistic approach that honors both the personal and collective. I treat each individual as a complex, nuanced and whole person—and groups as living organisms with the ability to move and change. Together, we can reignite your underlying motivation, uncover your truest voice, build a more committed and connected team, and nurture authentic and courageous leadership. 



In storytelling and communication workshops, you will learn how to harness the power of stories to build connection and create change.

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In coaching programs, you will develop personal and organizational narratives and strategies that motivate and move people to action.

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There are many challenges I help my clients face: disinterest, lack of exposure, stage-fright, disconnection, and more. In my workshops and 1:1 coaching sessions, I provide storytelling, communication, and community organizing tools that will instill a new sense of purpose, and help you turn your vision, message, and ideas into actionable steps, which produce real-world results. 


Professional for-profit, nonprofit and public sector organizations looking to build resilient teams with a powerful organizational story for recruitment, fundraising, and impact. 

Movement Builders

Changemakers who are leading the charge for a just and equal society and world looking to build powerful stories and calls to action, and practical organizing tools for building sustainable and broad social change. 


Private individuals and communities looking to develop courageous and authentic expression in your life and work through deepening connection with self and other, and storytelling.

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Hi, I’m Noa. I’m a Harvard-trained educator, leadership coach, group facilitator, and most recently, the Communications Director of a non-profit.


I am passionate about supporting leaders and teams in living their purpose, expressing their vision in a way that moves people to action, and connecting groups to one another, whilst creating safe environments that allow for authentic and courageous communication and growth. 

As a young girl, I learned that being good meant being quiet. After years of being stuck in silence, I discovered my own voice through music, which led to a powerful shift in my own life. Now, I dedicate my life to helping uncover the voices being silenced in our society, our communities, our teams as well as within each of us as individuals.

In my life I have learned that when you don't tell your own story, others tell it for you. That's why I am always looking for ways to bring the most amount of voices into a given space, and support people and organizations with the right tools to say what they want to say—loudly! To each other, to themselves, and to the world. 

In my workshops and coaching, I aim to bring a sense of alignment on both a personal and collective level with a holistic approach to leadership. This means nurturing the wellbeing of each individual in a room, whilst also working towards the goals of the group, organization, community, and society as a whole. 


Public Narrative  ●  Nonviolent Communication  ●  Community Organizing  ●  Somatic Trauma Therapy  ● Participatory Leadership

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Noa is creative, smart and extremely dedicated. I never felt like when I made a mistake I was "wrong" but rather that I was in a learning process. Noa is focused on the growth of students, she is open and curious, very good  in coaching and giving specific feedback, and creates a safe learning space, with lightness and joy.

- Harvard Kennedy School Public Narrative Student 

Organizations I've Worked With

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© 2023 by Noa Yammer. 

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